“I had no idea what else was available, but I knew Life had to have it.”
November 17, 2013 | Source: Monroe Gallery of Photography

Photo exhibit
"¢ Exhibit opening of Life Photographers featuring a special selection of photographs of John F. Kennedy
"¢ Exhibit opening of Life Photographers featuring a special selection of photographs of John F. Kennedy
"¢ 5-7 p.m. Nov. 29 Includes book signing with Richard Stolley
©Time Inc.
Former 'LIFE' magazine photographer Bob Gomel is sharing his memories of the president and the day he was laid to rest
Former senior editor of LIFE magazine, Hal Wingo remembers the afternoon of Nov. 22, 1963 vividly
The Hartford Courant: JFK Assassination: The Zapruder Film, Life Magazine And A Gentleman's Deal
LIFE photographer Bob Gomel Got Closer Than He Wanted to JFK Funeral
'Life' photographer calls JFK his most charismatic subject
'Life' photographer calls JFK his most charismatic subject