Arrests of journalists already doubled over last year

June 1, 2024 | Source: Monroe Gallery of Photography

 Via US Press Freedom Tracker Via US Press Freedom Tracker

May 31, 2024

graph chart showing number of journalists arrested 2017 through 2024

"Friends of the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker:

Welcome back to your newsletter around press freedom violations in the United States. Find archived editions here, and get this newsletter directly in your inbox by signing up here.One month later — arrests have doubled

In my last newsletter, I wrote about journalists covering local reaction to the Israel-Gaza war, noting that as April came to an end, we had documented 13 arrests or detainments of members of the press, and were actively reporting on more. Active, indeed: As of today, we’ve documented 36.

Importantly, the number of journalists arrested or detained so far this year — which is not even half over — is more than the last two years combined.

In addition to arrests, we’ve captured more than 30 assaults of journalists under our “Israel-Gaza war” tag since Oct. 7, 2023 — seven of those on student journalists — and nine reports of damaged equipment."

Full report here.

Tags: arrests of journalists freedom of the press press freedom protest