Current Exhibition "Ida Wyman: East Harlem, New York, 1947 in Color" in the Press

March 22, 2021 | Source: Monroe Gallery of Photography


Blind Magazine: In a League of Her Own: Ida Wyman, Girl Photographer in a World of Men

The Albuquerque Journal - Ida Wyman captured the ordinary through an extraordinary eye.

"Despite the fact Wyman did not live to see her book published, her work is receiving its proper due in the new exhibition in Santa Fe, Ida Wyman: East Harlem, New York, 1947 in Color, which showcases a recently discovered collection of Ektachtomes Wyman made at the age of 21."

"Her photographs reveal the exceptional within what initially might appear unremarkable. The images trumpet Wyman's abiding curiosity about the human condition."

The Santa Fe New Mexican PasatiempoEktachrome moments: The color work of Ida Wyman

"She landed assignments through sheer perseverance. "I give her a lot of credit, a young girl — 18, 19, 20, 21 — especially in a man's world, walking into these offices and self-advocating." 

The Eye of PhotographyMonroe Gallery : Ida Wyman : East Harlem, New York, 1947 in Color

"Reflecting the related practices of documentary photography, photojournalism, and street photography, these images are a testament to Wyman's abiding curiosity about the human condition and the complexity of human experience, both familiar and unfamiliar.

View the exhibition here

Tags: exhibition review New York in color old New York press street photography woman photographers